1. Why do BC hold data and what is it used for?
As a subscriber to our mailing list we need your personal data to send you, (at your request) magazines and other literature. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will only send these items by post.
2. What data is held?
We hold names and addresses, and sometimes email addresses and telephone numbers if you have provided them. As our literature is sent free of charge, we do not store financial or other personal information.
3. Where is the data held?
Data is stored by a nominated member of BC securely on paper or in a password protected computer account.
4. Who else has access to the data?
Data may occasionally be shared with Dawn Christadelphian Publications or Light Bible Publications (the publishers of Light Magazine) solely for fulfilling your request for literature items that we may not normally hold. It will not be shared with anyone else unless this is necessary to meet a legal requirement.
5. What is the Legal basis for holding the data
Under the General Data Protection Regulations, the lawful basis for holding data is by consent as we only respond to your requests.
6. Can I request that my data be deleted?
You can ask to have your data deleted, and for us to stop sending you literature, at any time and this will be implemented immediately. While you receive literature, we may occasionally write to you to enquire whether or not you wish to continue receiving information from us. If there is no reply within two calendar months, we will cease sending information and will delete your data.
7. Who will control the use of my data?
The Data Controller is Bramerton Christadelphians (BC), Christadelphian Hall, The Street, Bramerton, Norwich, NR14 7DW. Correspondence should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary.
8. What are my rights?
Anyone who thinks that BC may hold personal data relating to them has the right:
a) to request a copy of any such data held,
b) If they consider the data is incorrect to request that it be corrected,
c)to submit a complaint about the processing of that data, to the Information Commissioner, a) by telephone to 0303 123 1113, or b) in writing to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or c) through the web page on
1. Why do BC hold data and what is it used for?
As a subscriber to our mailing list we need your personal data to send you, (at your request) magazines and other literature. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will only send these items by post.
2. What data is held?
We hold names and addresses, and sometimes email addresses and telephone numbers if you have provided them. As our literature is sent free of charge, we do not store financial or other personal information.
3. Where is the data held?
Data is stored by a nominated member of BC securely on paper or in a password protected computer account.
4. Who else has access to the data?
Data may occasionally be shared with Dawn Christadelphian Publications or Light Bible Publications (the publishers of Light Magazine) solely for fulfilling your request for literature items that we may not normally hold. It will not be shared with anyone else unless this is necessary to meet a legal requirement.
5. What is the Legal basis for holding the data
Under the General Data Protection Regulations, the lawful basis for holding data is by consent as we only respond to your requests.
6. Can I request that my data be deleted?
You can ask to have your data deleted, and for us to stop sending you literature, at any time and this will be implemented immediately. While you receive literature, we may occasionally write to you to enquire whether or not you wish to continue receiving information from us. If there is no reply within two calendar months, we will cease sending information and will delete your data.
7. Who will control the use of my data?
The Data Controller is Bramerton Christadelphians (BC), Christadelphian Hall, The Street, Bramerton, Norwich, NR14 7DW. Correspondence should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary.
8. What are my rights?
Anyone who thinks that BC may hold personal data relating to them has the right:
a) to request a copy of any such data held,
b) If they consider the data is incorrect to request that it be corrected,
c)to submit a complaint about the processing of that data, to the Information Commissioner, a) by telephone to 0303 123 1113, or b) in writing to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or c) through the web page on