Aylsham Show 2010 "Introducing the Bible"We had a Trade stand at the Aylsham Show on
August Bank Holiday Monday in 2010. We called it "Introducing the Bible". At the stand we encouraged children to help us find places mentioned in the Bible and place a flag on a large relief map of Israel. By 2 o'clock we had over 50 places marked. The low table and chairs were used by children eager to colour in picture books of Bible stories. The Display boards at the back of the Marquee showed some of the ways we try to introduce the Bible to people, through Seminars, Talks, Bible Light Publications, and Correspondence Course. We had a display to show how accessible the Bible is today through computers, MP3 players, and the internet. The large relief map of Israel was also a reminder that the Bible is historical and is confirmed by many archaeological discoveries. A Fig tree was used as a reminder of the wonderful word picture of peace in the book of Micah 4:1-5. Jesus parable about a "Fig Tree" also indicates when to expect this wonderful time of PEACE. (click on pictures to enlarge) |
Bramerton Village Hall 2011 "Historic Bibles"Taking advantage of the 400th anniversary of the production of the King James Version of the Bible, we held an exhibition of Historic Bibles, on a Saturday in October, at the Bramerton Village Hall from 10.00 to 17.00.
There was a large collection of Bibles, including some very rare ones, facsimiles and posters and a DVD video clip from The Indestructible Book. The oldest exhibit was of the 16C Breeches Bible. To our delight, we had many visitors from surrounding villages and nearly all stayed for some time perusing carefully the exhibits and enjoying drinks and biscuits. There were many appreciative comments. The photos show some of our team about to dismantle the exhibition, some of the visitors, and areas of the display. In 2019 we are to have a Historic Bible Exhibition at the Christadelphian Meeting Room,The Street, Bramerton NR14 7DW A time for everything...... ExhibitionA Bible exhibition built to celebrate the start of the third millennium. Shown in cities around the UK. In the past we have displayed it at the “Forum” in the Norwich Library. It is based on Ecclesiastes chapter three, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven".